Knitter's Block
The scarf for Christmas
Is gray, dull and listless,
And it's coming out much too wide.
I open my box, and with stealth like a fox
Stuff it way down inside.
Crochet? No way,
I gave up today.
My stitches were lumpy
Grumpy and bumpy
I tossed that crochet book away.
I've made lots of bootsies
For wee little footsies
Hats too many to wear,
Neck warmers to spare
Mittens and belts,
A bowl that won't felt
Oh knitting gods, I do despair.
At least it's summer
Though the weather's a bummer
Instead I read and I write.
And what of my plight?
I'll wait til the fall,
Head to the local yarn store
And replenish my stash once more.
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