Smelling the lilacs

Smelling the lilacs

Monday, April 5, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

That is the question. I have started another, more focused blog over on Wordpress, called "The Power of One." That is where I will post my musings about raising an only child, and other child-rearing issues. Alas, I have found Wordpress to be a bit unwieldy, full of all sorts of buttons and things that I can't quite figure out. It's also not very pretty, rather utilitarian. The Wordpress blog is more 'public,' as it is picked up by a local family internet magazine called Hilltown Families. In fact, Katie has morphed into "Daisy" and other names are changed to protect the innocent.

Here, now, I am going to revive Earthly Sweetness with more focus, and more regularity (sounds like a digestive aid....) In order to motivate myself and organize my thoughts, I will have a schedule of 'what to expect':

Sunday: photo and/or quote

Monday: Back to school day! Celebrate with thoughts on exercise and health

Tuesday: My volunteer day, so no time for writing

Wednesday: Knitting, crafts, organizing the home

Thursday: Creative writing: poems, stories, ditties, etc.

Friday: Gardening, because after all, it's spring!! And/or food, glorious food.

Saturday: No time to write, day of rest.

In my revival of this blog I also do hereby pledge to hunt for readers, seek out comments and criticism, and thereby hone my writing skills. Are you in? I am!

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